Invest in Knowledge

Reasons to Stay Invested, Even in a Tricky Market

August 07, 2023 John Gigliello, CFP® Season 2 Episode 2

Making economic forecasts and stock market predictions can be humbling. It’s especially tough when you expect stocks to go higher and get a big drop instead. The environment today is the opposite, but still tricky, as recession hasn’t followed the chorus of predictions. In some ways, figuring out what to do now that stocks have gone up is as difficult as considering what to do when stocks are down. 

Today’s more fully valued stock market is pricing in an increasingly optimistic outlook for economic growth and corporate profits, but the economy still faces challenges that will likely lead to slower growth in the second half — and perhaps even a mild economic contraction. So why stay invested?

Hi, I’m John Gigliello, Certified Financial Planner with the Albany Financial Group and you’re listening to Invest in Knowledge, a podcast about all things financial. After a life-altering health issue at age 39, my calling in life became clear: To share my knowledge of personal finance with PEOPLE who are looking to make smart and responsible choices with their money. Only through education, action and accountability can YOU build the confidence and security YOU need to live a SATISFYING life.

In today’s episode I am going to talk about why you should not try to time the markets.  

First, it’s difficult to time the market. We’ve seen this play out several times in just the past few years. For example, few foresaw the strong market rebound that occurred as we came out of lockdown in 2020, or that inflation would become the ongoing problem that we’re still dealing with today. We saw it again this past spring – professional portfolio managers and investors alike were broadly pessimistic about the stock market, particularly in the wake of several bank failures. Yet, stocks have gone virtually straight up since.